Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Year, New Me

Happy New Year! 2010 was a great year for the Haynes fam. We moved from Alaska to Georgia, Matt changed jobs to be an instructor at Signal Captain's Career Course, we had our second baby girl, and made many new friends! So far 2011 has been off to a great start! Matt is working a lot, but he is enjoying what he does! So we can't complain! Ellie is almost two and a half years old and we are finding out she is developing into a little girl overnight. Alyssa is now six months old and on the verge of sitting up and crawling. I am continually amazed how fast kids grow. You are told that when they are first born, but don't believe it for yourself until it happens right under your nose.

We are very active with our church, Vineyard Community Church in Evans, Georgia. Matt leads bible study and worship from time to time and we are in the process of working with the children's ministry in the near future. I am staying active with the PWOC community on Fort Gordon. This past year, I served as the Administrative Coordinator. I really enjoyed being a part of the board and getting to know the ladies better. I was not able to go on the International Conference in November because Alyssa was just a few months old and I only attended our local spring retreat in South Carolina for a day so I could continue breastfeeding Alyssa. I can only pump so much milk for her when I'm away! Even though breastfeeding is a big commitment, I know it's well worth the time and effort. I also really enjoy bonding with my baby.

I feel like there is so much to say these days, so much on my mind. I have recently been wondering how stay-at-home-moms stay sane day in and day out. Life with a toddler and a baby can be treacherous at times. Sometimes I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel after piles of laundry and full garbage bags of diapers and wipes, but from time to time, mostly when I'm spending time with God, I see the light! I know these precious children are only in my care for a certain amount of time and I am called to raise them as their mother. I really enjoy the pleasant moments, the smiles, hugs, laughs, giggles, dancing, reading books, puzzles, playing on the playground, swinging. I don't enjoy the tantrums, the crying bouts, the poop, the boogs, the spit up, but it's all one big package of joy! I am currently doing a study on Judy Rossi's Raising Responsive Children, as well as finishing Tedd Tripp's Shepherding a Child's Heart. I continually learn more and more about being a parent. I hope to apply all that I am learning!

Any advice you have about motherhood, I certainly welcome! I need all the help I can get!

God bless you!

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