Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child

Today I had to give my daughter, Ellie, two years old, a spanking. A real, honest spanking, like the ones I remember as a child. I waited until we got home from picking her up at preschool or Mother's Day Out at a local Baptist church, then took her straight to her room, and sat down with her. Then I told her because she behaved so badly as I picked her up from preschool today, she was getting punished for not listening to me when I called her, then proceeded to throw a full blown tantrum in front of everyone. I felt like all the other mothers, children and teachers were wondering why this child absolutely refused to go home with her mother. I was embarrassed. But I recall some kids throwing similar tantrums from time to time, so I don't think it's only my child. Though, at the time, it certainly felt like she was the only one who could not be controlled.

I felt horrible having to spank her. But I sincerely feel that the discipline I received as a child benefited me through my life. I made sure I wasn't fuming before actually spanking her. I laid her on my lap and pulled down her pull-ups and gave her three swats. I now believe "this hurts me as much as it hurts you." I am wondering how to handle this tantrum process. It seems so hard. I think I'm a pretty laid back person, so it's tough to have such a strong willed child. I know it could really benefit her in the long run, if I discipline her through God's authority and His love. I pray that she learns from this and that I can help her become a respectful, polite little girl through toddlerhood. This parenting thing is a challenge indeed!

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